sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011


In Judaism, Talmud discusses the Rabbis warnings against visting a stadium or circuses. In the eleventh century they interpreted stadiums as a place where they taunt the bull because of how they treat the bull and  when they kill the bull is a taunt for Judaism. In the same century they started asking people if one may hunt for sport and people started answering that one may not for it involves putting oneself in danger and is a demonstration of cruelty toward animals. Also they start asking is one may watch a bullfight so they answered that it is forbidden people start saying that one must not go to places where in there are performing cruelty actions agains they animal that is the bull so this type of religion is very weird because they dont like the bullfighting instead they think that is a taunt be in a stadium and see a blood sport because nobody like to see how they kill a bull because they also said that is a taunt when toreros start playing with them and then they kill them. In college they explain why is bad this sport that in so many country's they practice this blood sport that at  one hand is a very good spectacle but at the other had is a bad sport because they are killing the animal.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia A01280169

Marvin, Garry, "Bullfight", 1988, University of Illinois Press