miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Portuguese style bullfighting

The Portugueses styl bullfighting is made with 2 phases. The first phase is the spectacle of cavalerio in which it participate a horseman in which this man with a horse start make a incredible spectacle piercing at the back with some banderillas make him start been tired and be injury. The horseman start piercing with 4 banderillas at the back of the bull, but this movements can have very bad accidents it can go down the man or the horse can be pierce by the bull but people enjoy this spectacles are unique. The second phases is the called the pega in which the forcados a group of eight men they put all the men's in a line in front of the bull so without any protection in them or a defense they start running in front of the bull so the bull start running also and the specific work of the men is control the bull is like face to face so the first man is the one who start controlling the bull with his arms at the head and fellows of the bull so the people that are at the back they start pushing everyone so the bull can be control and they can make they spectacle correctly. The bad thing of this group name the forcados they can become injury or they can die because they dont have defense in them so they are like with only some dress and they put his life on risk.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia A01280169

"Bullfighting." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 14 Jan. 2009

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Free style bullfighting

This is a new style for bullfighting in where it was invented by the people how protect the animals of killing them, this style is a not blood sport because in here the bull never is going to die. This style has another name in where in america they called rodeo in where people start playing with the bull so this animal dont became an angry bull because in a bullfighting all we know is that the bull is so crazy that want to kill the torero and the torero start making a very good spectacle in where its consider a blood sport at finally at the end of the spectacle the bull die, so in this style the bull its never going to die because of a torero in here is only to play with the bull doding or been on top of the bull and wait in there some minutes and they determine how wins but the first thing is that the bull starts running or jumping like a crazy animal. In the United States they made competitions of rodeo in where they play with the bull but never they kill the bull, in this style nobody is going to die only if they have an accident that all of use we don't want.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia     A01280169

Raphael Minder (28 July 2010). "Spanish Region Bans Bullfighting". nytimes.com. Retrieved 28 July 2010.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Animal Rights Bullfighting

All animals have their rights, but the bull have something special he participate on bullfightings in where they die. The bull's die in a cruel manner, they participate in a bloodsport in where sometimes they can live or they can die , this decision is from the Torero. They exist some groups that are against the bullfighting that they want some rights for the bulls. That people are the persons who start doing crazy things so the government can give the rights to the bulls. In Spain they exist several groups that defend the animal rights but the most document they defend are from the bulls because is a bloodsport and they thing that is bad for god. Some people start to fight like simulating the bullfighting and they start to pierce them with a knife and some people start to die because they want to defend the rights for the bulls but still doing this spectacles the government don't see this actions. In Mexico they have the same groups but still having it they don't care about the animals right they want a big spectacle, a bloodsport hearing  band music and drinking a beer, this is common in Mexico. Sometimes the groups who defend the animals rights they go to a news paper or to the News so they can send a message to the government that animals but specially the bulls need to have their rights.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia A01280169