miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Portuguese style bullfighting

The Portugueses styl bullfighting is made with 2 phases. The first phase is the spectacle of cavalerio in which it participate a horseman in which this man with a horse start make a incredible spectacle piercing at the back with some banderillas make him start been tired and be injury. The horseman start piercing with 4 banderillas at the back of the bull, but this movements can have very bad accidents it can go down the man or the horse can be pierce by the bull but people enjoy this spectacles are unique. The second phases is the called the pega in which the forcados a group of eight men they put all the men's in a line in front of the bull so without any protection in them or a defense they start running in front of the bull so the bull start running also and the specific work of the men is control the bull is like face to face so the first man is the one who start controlling the bull with his arms at the head and fellows of the bull so the people that are at the back they start pushing everyone so the bull can be control and they can make they spectacle correctly. The bad thing of this group name the forcados they can become injury or they can die because they dont have defense in them so they are like with only some dress and they put his life on risk.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia A01280169

"Bullfighting." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 14 Jan. 2009

1 comentario:

  1. Hey man nice blog, except that I’m against the bull fighting. I think that this act is unfair because they are living animals and have the right of life, so I don’t know why people kill them. A lot of people consider bull fighting as a sport and I know that it is very common in Spain. I don’t like to see suffer the animals especially of the cause of it are humans. In this “sport” both the bull and the toreros, which are the people dedicated to practice this sport and have experience on it.
    I didn’t know that the bull fighting have phases when it start the action. The different movements and techniques that the toreros have to use are complex and they need to be concentrated to avoid some injury from the bull. Actually I would like the bull fighting if this poor animal don’t get any kind of damage, so this “sport” can be only used for entertainment like only avoiding the bull with the cap and never pierce with a sword the bull’s skin. Well, I hope you write if you can a blog about the consequences of the bull fighting; when someone gets hurt. Keep working hard, I liked the blog.
