jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011


In the Spanish style of bullfighting its normal to see a fatal for a bull but also it have dangerous the matador. The picadors and banderilleros are sometimes gores by the bull, but this accidents are not common in the Spanish style. Sometimes matadores have been gored many times like Juan Belmonte, he have been in so many accidents with the bull. When one matador is gored by a bull they already have a surgeon that he is specialized with the treats of cornadas or horn wounds, this type of special surgeon was developed in Spain. When a matador is going to bullfight he first go to a chapel and pray before the spectacle so he can have any accident inside the ring but sometimes some matadors they are no lucky and have very fatal accidents so they can die. At this years the hospitals have more technology and the matador can bee treated very fast by the surgeon and he can live, at past time they dont have this technology and the matadors die because they where no treated. They tell me that one matador Julio Aparicio's he is the one that have more horrific of bullfighting injuries, one of his fatal accidents was a piercing in the chin by a bull's horn.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia    A01280169

Wood, Tristan, "How To Watch A Bullfight", 2011, Merlin Unwin Books

Bullfighting in Oman

Oman is the only country in the Persian Gulf and the Arab world in which bullfighting is carried out. Its amazing that only in one country in Arab world  its carried out the bullfighting. In this country they dont have bullfighting rings because of the right of the animal and the laws of the country they need to have temporary bullrings and they used only when it have a spectacular event. The Al-Batena city is an area in where most of the events happen because in there they have more rights and only with one they can make agreements with the government. In Oman the bullfighting is not considered a violent or blood event. The origins of this blood sport are unknown they dont know who started this sport but many people though that this sport spanish people brought to this country. Other people think that its also attributed to portugal people because they said that Portugal conquer or colonized the coast of Oman, so any people know who or which one brought this blood and violent sport to the coast of Oman its a mystery they have in Oman country. So we conclude that also in Arab world they practice the bullfighting and they dont have restrictions.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia  A01280169

Bullfighting: Culture & Controversy – slideshow by Life magazine