jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011


In the Spanish style of bullfighting its normal to see a fatal for a bull but also it have dangerous the matador. The picadors and banderilleros are sometimes gores by the bull, but this accidents are not common in the Spanish style. Sometimes matadores have been gored many times like Juan Belmonte, he have been in so many accidents with the bull. When one matador is gored by a bull they already have a surgeon that he is specialized with the treats of cornadas or horn wounds, this type of special surgeon was developed in Spain. When a matador is going to bullfight he first go to a chapel and pray before the spectacle so he can have any accident inside the ring but sometimes some matadors they are no lucky and have very fatal accidents so they can die. At this years the hospitals have more technology and the matador can bee treated very fast by the surgeon and he can live, at past time they dont have this technology and the matadors die because they where no treated. They tell me that one matador Julio Aparicio's he is the one that have more horrific of bullfighting injuries, one of his fatal accidents was a piercing in the chin by a bull's horn.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia    A01280169

Wood, Tristan, "How To Watch A Bullfight", 2011, Merlin Unwin Books

1 comentario:

  1. I have always found this sport or event cruel, I don’t even know if it is deserved to be called a sport. It is extremely unfair for the bull to be killed on the Spanish style bullfighting, since the bull is tortured by the matador. I don’t blame the bull of trying and managing to hurt the matador, since that is their only purpose, bother and hurt the bull so the chase you around the ring. As you mentioned, the “accidents” are most of the time fatal, since the bull´s horns can easily pierce through your body, damaging your organs, and sometimes causing an instant death. So in my opinion these events shouldn’t take place, because of the danger and the cruelty, but it is extremely popular, for example in places like Spain, where it has been an symbol for several decades, so it’s extremely hard to cancel this kind of events. Besides that like many people like me hate this, there are many people who actually enjoy watching this. I found the information very interesting and I hope you upload another of your blogs. Good luck!
