miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

French Style

"In the 19th century the French style has been increasing in the Southern France" (Fiske). In France the bullfighting has increased like a sport or for culture. They have their most important arenas for bullfighting, some are the ancient Roman arena of Nimes and Arles. The French style of  bullfighting is more common in the Provence and Languedoc arenas in where they practice this dificult sport. This is a bloodless spectacle in which the objective of the Torero is for kill them, but they need to pierce them in the head of a young bull. The participants that are the Toreros they begin training in their early years with young bulls before they graduate. Before the spectacle begins they take some bulls into the street, in which young men compete and start running until they enter to the arena is a tradition in France, Mexico, and Spain. They have another French style for bullfighting in which cows are used instead of bulls. This competition between teams named cuadrillas, which each team belong to certain states. "A cuadrilla is made up of a teneur de corde, an entraineur, a sauter and six ecarteurs they have the same style as Spain" (Fiske). The toreros are the same as Spain and Mexico but they are other differet types of persons that help to the torero so he can kill the bull. The cows are brought to the arena in boxes and then taken out in order, the cows are not like the bulls that are very creazy and they don´t think at all. They have different rules that are applied in some competitions, but it resulted so many fatalities that French government tried to take out this sport but many people complain with the government so they don´t take out this sport. It´s more different to be with a bull in a corrida than be with a cow because the bulls are more dangerous, are creazy aniamls and have more mobility. In this spectacles the participants and spectators share the risk to be kill, because they know cases that the bull go to the barriers and start running and hurting spectators, this accident´s are very common in smalll arenas.

Roberto Cepeda Garcia   A01280169

Fiske-Harrison, Alexander, "Into The Arena: The World of the Spanish Bullfight", 2011.

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