jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

What's BullFighting ?

"Is a traditional spectacle in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France and latin american countries" (Fiona). This sport is not very usuall to see on T.V or in a stadium. This tradition is that one or more bulls are baited in a bullring this is for a sport or a entretainment for the people. This is a blood sport because in the spectacle they kill the bulls and you see hoy they kill and how the blood starts to go over the floor, people don´t like to see blood so they start to have bad symptoms. This is no a competition is only a sport for men who has the heart to kill a animal and put his life on risk, because it has been many cases that a torero die because of a bull. This tradition had been practiced every year, this involves porfessional toreros, who they do  maneuvers at close range this movements they do when they start seen how to kill the bull and how to make that the bull feel tired. For kill a bull they need a inspiration and a emotional connection with his feellings because when they are bullfighting they take out all their feellings and they start to be another person. After the bull has been hooked multiple times behind the shoulder by the matador in the arena the bullfight usually concludes with the killing of the bull by a single sword which " is called estocada" (Fiona). In some countries kill bulls or be practice this sport is illegal like Portugal and some other countries because they think that kill a animal they can have bad looky or god can punish them. Before the spectacle begins is a tradition that a group of people that are the forcados try to grab and hold the bull by its horns when it reuns at them is increadible how this people starts fighting with the bull and how the bull can kill them very fast but in this sport thanks god no all toreros die, they have injurys but very bad injurys.

Fiona Govan,  Bullfighting´s Future in Doubt , The Telegraph 20 Dec. 2006. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I really enjoy your blog, and I am completely in favor of you point of view you made on this research about the animal cruelty done on the bulls. These animals suffer in a way no one can imagine, they are tortured so in that way they make them furious and make chase the professional torero around the entire scene.
    I also liked the way you referred to this “sport”, this is no competition at all, it’s an activity for people who have no heart and have no interest in the poor animal who is suffering.
    Another thing about bullfighting is if something goes wrong, and I mean by something wrong that the bull either kills the torero or in any way hurts or kill someone from the audience, it’s the bull who will be killed because of what he did, which I find very unfair because the full is going to be sacrificed because of self defense.
    So as we can see this activity is not fair, and doesn’t make sense. The objective is to make the bull get mad so he can chase the torero, but at the same time he cannot defend itself, which is cruel. The only solution is to make this activity illegal in all the countries on the world.

    Diego Villanueva A01280227

  2. I find your blog interesting because I just knew that bull fighting was practiced in Spain and Mexico, and I didn’t know it was also done all over latin America. I’m not agree at all with this sport because the bulls are killed and hurt; I don’t also understand why this men put their life on risk when they practice bull fighting. But anyway I respect traditions and maybe they have their reasons for practice this famous but cruel sport.

  3. Hi!!!!
    Well , I think, that you’re is very interesting because, I like the bulls a lot because they are big, strong, and a very interesting animal that has different kinds of qualities and one of them is their enormous courage to kill what is in front of them when they are in danger.
    Also what a like, is the way that the Torero manipulates the bull with a red flag that he keeps moving, until the show is over, and that something that I find very interesting because the Torero can get hurt during the show and most of the times if the bull looses control, the bull could possibly kill the Torero without any difficulty.
    But, something that I don’t like about this sport is that the bull, suffers because the Torero during the show he has to put arrow in the back of the bull, and the bull starts to drop blood and this is the thing that I don’t because the bull suffers a lot during the show.
    Finally my opinion is that I also like the bull fighting, and this is a great show that has a great fan population in all over the world, so I think that this is a great sport .
    I hope that you keep posting other very interesting things about this amazing sport
